To Walk a Path That Cannot Be Tread Easily Part 2

Atilla Olgun
5 min readJul 5, 2021

The past two months have flown by so quickly that it’s hard to make any sense of it. It never used to be like this. Time would always come to a standstill as a child, playing with the neighbour’s children or waiting for the school bell to ring. Cherished memories captured in brief moments of time. Pure innocence.

As adults we are at the mercy of time. There is so much to be done and yet so little time.

Time; a treasure more valuable than all the natural gems of this world. A person lives and dies at the mercy of time. How we choose to live our lives determines how much we’ve made the most of this precious gift.

It makes sense then why it’s called the present.

But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. ”

Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea

A good friend of mine shared the above quote with me a couple of weeks ago. He wanted to include a quote on his Instagram page as he grows his passion for photography. I’ve been with him to The Blue Mountains and regional Australia.



Atilla Olgun

UNSW Aviation graduate, former expat, doing a postgrad in Data Science. Aspiring Side Hustler. Not in it for the Ride but Driven.