To Walk A Path That Cannot Be Tread Easily

Atilla Olgun
5 min readNov 27, 2020

Life is not easy and does not become any more forgiving and simpler as the years go by.

This world was designed to break your heart. But it was never designed to break you in mind and spirit. That decision is up to you. So why then do you choose to remain in your inner prison when clearly the door is wide open?

Because you’re chained? No. There are no chains. Not physical ones at least. A diamond comes into existence only when it’s been put through great pressure and stress. That treasure is inside of you waiting to be born.

The answer is to develop an attitude and mindset that combines and incorporates material, spiritual and social dimensions. Only then can life become nothing more than contentment, happiness and fulfilment, even if you’re faced with a hundred challenges and obstacles.

It boils down to two things, perspective and purpose.

I love the joke about the debate between the Optimist and Pessimist about the glass of water at 50% remaining capacity, and out of nowhere comes the Opportunist who drinks it to fulfill their thirst.



Atilla Olgun

UNSW Aviation graduate, former expat, doing a postgrad in Data Science. Aspiring Side Hustler. Not in it for the Ride but Driven.